Wayne & Ellen Patton Bible Story Tellers

Island Church Meeting

Aug Photo Of Island Church

As the grip of the COVID-19 starts to loosen, our little island church is open and meeting. The virus has transformed the ministry from a house to house ministry to a one location ministry. It is so exciting to see the church that we planted is growing and transforming to a vision of what God is calling them to be. Please be in prayer for the church this month as they start back up with a more normal schedule, with Wednesday night as the big meeting night. They are still a story based ministry with each leader taking turns sharing the stories of scripture, playing games, singing, and praying for one another.

The news from Brazil is not good, as to the Coronavirus. The USA government is still telling citizens not to travel to Brazil. The BBC is reporting that the COVID-19 deaths continue to rise and have exceeded 100,000. So please keep our friends in prayer, whom many of them have been sick and still are dealing with complications in an area where medical care is still scarce.

Mt Zion Message

Where Are the pattons?

Many have asked where are we now and what is on our agenda? We are living in Pleasant Hill, Ohio, a small country town surrounded by soybean and corn fields. God has provided a place for us to live, cars to get around, and clothes to wear in this cold weather (any time it gets below 80º).

We are now just starting to arrange presentations at our supporting churches, for the fall and winter months where possible along with fundraising efforts. The original plans were to make visits over the summer giving a final update and raise money for resettlement but now these plans are flexing with current events.

Mini MP3 Album

Listen to OUr Mini Album


It is still our passion to reach lost souls with the Biblical Stories of scripture. Ellen recently completed a Masters of Biblical Storytelling Certificate. Her certificate included sharing stories, story concerts, coaching storytellers, and teaching.

Wayne is focusing on developing Mini MP3 Albums to be used as an outreach tool. The stories are dynamically told including sound effects and music similar to a mini-drama, only these stories come from scripture. We would like to invite you to listen.

Mt. Zion Message Video

Prayer Request

Praise God!

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