Things keep breaking around the house; washing machine (what I am working on here), fridge, tile popping up off the floor, computers not working, battery backups getting fried along with light bulbs. Please lift us up to the Lord that things would stop breaking and needing to be fixed.
In the photo, you can see I have two large, playful dogs who just wanted to find out what was so exciting under the washing machine. The young dog decided to grab a few tools, and since I did not need those old replacement parts thought they would make a good chew toy. Please Pray!

Utigna Açu
The leadership team is opening a new location this month at Utigna Açu, which is about twelve miles from our home on the island of Cotijbua. It is starting as a kids club program that will be lead by Jeremias. He is handpicking members for this team to reach out to a community of about 30 families.
It is a bold move because resources are limited and the pool of volunteers are few. Just as Jesus said the Harvest is great but the workers are few. We need volunteers to work this community and to keep our current kid’s programs running, so please pray that the Lord will lift up a new kid’s club team leaders to reach this community with the Gospel.

End Of The Year Blues
The year has been filled with successful ministries, personal hardships, and now dwindling donations. We need individuals to help us out with a special year-end gift to help us cover our 2019 ministry cost. If you can send a check to: Encompass World Partners
PO Box 3298, Monument, CO 80132.
Write on the check for Wayne & Ellen Patton
Please pray about sending in a special gift in support of our work here in the Amazon Delta
Prayer Request
- Pray for the men who are stepping up to new levels of leadership; Codero, Royal, George, and Valdimir.
- Pray for Pastor Luiz as he brings a team from his church once a month to the Farol Kid’s Club. That it will be fruitful and a blessing to those on the team.
- Roger needs the Holy Spirit to complete the work that was started in his life. He is studying on Thursday afternoons.
- Jeremias as he labors to start a new Kid’s Club at Utigna Açu and keep the club at Farol ongoing.
- Pray for the Friday night in-home visits. We need the Holy Spirit to provide new doors to be open for our leadership to take the Good News of Jesus Christ. Pray for new open doors.
Praise God!
- That Valdimir & Royal are stepping up to the plate and working a team by themselves for Friday night evangelism in-home visits.
- Rita showed up one additional time at the women’s Tuesday meetings this month. Please keep praying.
- Christava has been attending our programs more frequently, keep up the prayer as his life is being transformed.
- Jeremias has a date set for Oct 19 to start a Kid’s Club in a new location.
- Friday night visits we have just one family and a new person for a Thursday visit.
- That a deadly snake laying on our sidewalk did not catch us off guard. Wayne was able to kill it before it could cause any harm.