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Heaven And Hell

So many people think they are automatically going to spend eternity in heaven. When the reality is they are all going to hell. Is your name found in the Book of Life? After we die we will live for an eternity, the question is where will you reside?  Our text today is Luke 16:19-31.

There is also a reading from page 742 in the Hymnal, Psalms 5. The affirmation of faith is on page 880, The Nicene Creed.

Verses Reference in message: Mark 9:43-48, Matthew 7:13-14, Rev 20:11-15, John 6:38, Matthew 6:19-21, John 14:2, Isiah 64:6, John 3:16-18, and Romans 10:9-13.

Artwork:  Front Blog Artwork from “”.
Featured Picture: photo by Tumisu.

Prayer Request: Text your prayer request to Wayne (937)540-5496. If sent  before Thursday I might uplift you in the recorded version (we only uplift people in the recorded version). We will pray for your request in full at our morning service 9:30am, Sunday at Martinsville Community Methodist.