Bema Seat

MCM – Message January 21, 2024
The Bema Seat Judgment is referred to in scripture as “Judgment Seat of Christ”. This judgment is for the church-age believers whose names are in the Book Of Life. Many confuse the word judgment with pain and condemnation, but not here. This is where we will receive our reward in Christ and hear the words; “Well done good and faithful servant”. The text referenced is: 2 Corinthians 5:9-10.
Other verses referenced:
Bema Seat: Hebrews 12:1-2, Matthew 16:27 , Matt 25:23.
Treasure in heaven: Matt 6:19-21, Randy Alcorn “Law of Rewards” pg 28&29.
Money: Luke 16:10-13, Luke 21:1-4.
How Much: Mark 10:17-22, Mark 10: 28-31.
Other activities: Matt 6:5.
When: Rev 3:11.
Artwork: Photos are from
The photo here is by user sgomez84, Clouds are by user shivani, and Rio statute by user stenio06.
Prayer Request: Text your prayer request to Wayne (937)540-5496. If sent before Thursday I might uplift you in the recorded version (we only uplift people in the recorded version). We will pray for your request in full at our morning service 9:30am, Sunday.