Divine Healing
MCM – Message February 4, 2024
It is in the Methodist tradition that when you are sick or your body is broken, miraculous healing only comes through prayer. John Wesley, the founder of the Methodist Church said “Jesus is our great physician”. Our text today is James 5:13-16.
Spiritual understend of sickness and healing:
Gen 3:17-19, 1 Corinthians 11:27-30, Mark 2:1-13, John 9:1-5.
John Wesley View:
RANDY L. MADDOX – of Duke Univ. Link
Healing In the Gospels:
Luke 7:18-23
Mark: Chapter 2 – Healing Paralytic the story told
Chapter 3 starts off Healing on Sabbath.
Chapter 5 – Dominic-infested man healed, Woman who bled for 12 years, a child raised from the dead.
Healing Early Church:
Acts 3:6-8, Acts 5:16, Acts Chapter 9.
Peters Assurance 1 Peter 2:24
Artwork: Post image by Ilo from Pixabay.com.
Background image by Peggychoucair from Pixabay.com.
The featured image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay.com.
Prayer Request: Text your prayer request to Wayne (937)540-5496. If sent before Thursday I might uplift you in the recorded version (we only uplift people in the recorded version). We will pray for your request in full at our morning service 9:30am, Sunday.