Palm Sunday

MCM – Message March 24, 2024
Palm Sunday is a great day of celebration. It is the day that Jesus rode into Jerusalem as a king as like in the days of King David. Many church like ours will have palm leaves and wave them as it was in the day when Jesus rode the donkey in to the city. Our text today is Matthew 212:1-17
Passover History:
Exodus 12:21-28, Exodus 23:15, John:12:9-11
Surrounded with mystery and prophecy:
Zechariah 9:9, Luke 19:39-40
Pharisees and Sadducee’s were in control of the people:
Matthew 15:1-9
Narrative across the four Gospels:
Matthew 21, Luke 19, John 12 and Mark 11
Artwork: Featured and Post image from
Background Image by Hans Eiskonen from
Prayer Request: Text your prayer request to Wayne (937)540-5496. If sent before Thursday I might uplift you in the recorded version (we only uplift people in the recorded version). We will pray for your request in full at our morning service 9:30am, Sunday.