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Praying to god

Praying To God Who are you praying to? In today’s message we present the idea that we pray to God the maker of heaven and earth, whom is all powerful. Our prayers need to reflect this audience whom we are… 

Importance of Prayer

This is about Constant, persistent, sleepless, overcoming payer! Many Christian fail in their prayer life because…

Jesus Sanctifies

Many confuse Sanctification with Righteousness in the Christian Life. When we become a Christian our lives start the transformation process but …

Jesus Transforms

Jesus Saves and then Transforms the lives of all believers and followers of him. This is not optional in a Christians life.

Victory In Christ

Victory in Christ has been phase used over the years that has taken on a different meaning then intended by Paul or the church of just 30 years ago.  It has been pulled into the prosperity gospel which is note the Gospel Message of our Lord.