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The Flood

The Flood and Noah’s Ark is a very conversational story in our time. Because if the story it historical then the promises in the story are fact. The promises are very important and speak to everyone in our day and time. 

The Days Of Noah

The Days of Noah were spoken of by Jesus Himself. Today we look into who was Noah and what were his days like. We also pull from the Book of Enoch and current day headlines about where the Noah’s Ark has come to rest.

Victory In Christ

Victory in Christ has been phase used over the years that has taken on a different meaning then intended by Paul or the church of just 30 years ago.  It has been pulled into the prosperity gospel which is note the Gospel Message of our Lord.

What Is Next?

You have read it in news papers. See it on the conspiracy websites. One minute till midnight, a Nuclear Holocaust. Trust me My Lord has a very different plan…

Signs In Heaven

The moon will be blocking the sun on April 8, 2024. Are we in America to interrupt this as a sign from God? The answer will surprise you. 

Easter Sunday

Easter is a day to rejoice that Jesus rose form the dead. He was killed on a cross on Friday and rose three days later from the grave. He is the fist of many that have been and will be risen from the dead.

Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday is a great day of celebration.  It is the day that Jesus rode into Jerusalem as a king as like in the days of King David.

Calm The Storm

The power of God is what our story is about. We think of Jesus as loving and gentle, which He can be, but in this message, we take a look at the raw power Jesus can wield.


One of the most famous miracles  Christ did was raising Lazarus from the dead.  He had raised many people for the dead but this was the most impressive. The story is an amazing one and one worth listening to. Join us for t his astounding story.

Talents Parable

The parables hold the Mysteries to the Kingdom. By studying the Parables we can gain a greatly understanding of how Jesus’ Kingdom works. Today we talk about the parable of the bags of silver.