Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas 2019. We wish to bring you greetings from the Patton home here on the island of Cotijuba, located in the middle of the Amazon River. For is this is a season of joy because the Savior was born…
Merry Christmas 2019. We wish to bring you greetings from the Patton home here on the island of Cotijuba, located in the middle of the Amazon River. For is this is a season of joy because the Savior was born…
God has blessed us with a great local teammate. Jeu is a modern-day river pastor. He comes from a family that is many generations deep in Christ with an extended family of pastors and church leaders. He has his aluminum…
In the Philipines, the story of Jesus’ birth does not end with the Magi but with the couple and their newborn fleeing for their lives to Egypt. Each country we have lived in celebrates Christmas with a different twist. For…
Missionary Bill Burk, or better known as Amazon Bill, founded the Monkey Island church 63 years ago. It was one of the early churches planted by missionaries sent from the United States. Yet, after 63 years of ministry, the work…
Reaching out to the people in one aspect might seem easy. We are white Americans living in a community that is not accustomed to foreigners so we are a curiosity. But with that title comes fear and many river dwellers…