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Store Up Treasure

Jesus said to store up treasures in Heaven.  What does this mean? How do you send treasure to heaven? The Egyptian Pharaoh’s filled their tombs with treasure, but they seem to have left it behind. What did Jesus know that they did not?  I have answers – come listen.   Our text today is Matthew 9:19-21


Jesus is coming with our reward, for all those who are written in the “Book Of Life”. God the Father will praise us for our workmanship here on earth. Jesus will be giving out Crowns! Find out how you can get one. Text for this message is Revelation 22:12.

Bema Seat

The Bema Seat Judgment is referred to in scripture as “Judgment Seat of Christ”. This judgment is for the church-age believers whose names are in the Book Of Life. Many confuse the word judgment with pain and condemnation, but not here. This is where we will receive our reward in Christ and hear the words; “Well done good and faithful servant”. The text referenced is; 2 Corinthians 5:9-10.