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Fishing For Men

I have been fishing for men for many years as a front line missionary. God has bless these efforts and it is a great joy to receive word from Brazil that the church we left behind is still moving forward.… 

Why Story

The Bible is filled with hundreds of stories. When Jesus shared the secrets of His Heavenly Kingdom He uses stories to express this truth. If you are a student of culture like we are. It is clear that our culture… 

Looking For Recruits

My heart is to reach the lost for Christ. So I am on a mission to recruit others during this time of COVID-19 Pandemic to reach people for the Lord. To be Sowers of the Seed of the Gospel that… 

Sowing Seed COVID-19

Jesus told the parable of the sower to many a crowd. His closest disciples the story an could not understand its meaning, so Jesus took the time to explain it to them. Down the ages, since then we quote these… 

Mini MP3 Alumbs

In this new age on this new age of social distance and COVID-19, we see the fear in people’s eyes at the supermarket. People live in fear and our desire is to set them free by hearing the Hope We… 

Planted In Ohio

We are in Ohio but not settled down. Our situation is still temporary as the house we are renting is only available to the end of May. After that, we need a new place to rent or stay starting in…