The many years of work in telling Bible stories from the heart and disciplining others to do the same have brought fruit this Christmas Eve. A small group of our most faithful believers gathered to remember the coming of our Lord in a very special manner. They shared their favorite Biblical Stories from memory off the top of their heads. We stat around in a circle singing telling a few stores and singing a few more songs, this lasted for over two hours. What a joy-filled time of fellowship in Gloryifiying the Lord.
I will be frank with you. Not everyone could tell a great story well. Some of the stories shared were bits and pieces from memory with others in the group assisting to fill in all of the correct pieces. Then the artistry of our better storytellers was unleashed and their renditions stirred our hearts with emotions. To us, it brought joy to see the fruit of how the Lord was moving. Please pray and thank the Lord for what He is doing here on the Island of Cotijuba.