What to hand out is the question an Evangelist asks when targeting an area for evangelism. Fishing for Men is not a sport but a serious endeavor bathed in prayer. I know your pastor makes it sound easy to just go out and share your testimony and doors will open for you to share your faith. This has not been my experience; I have yet to find someone on a cold contact who is interested in who I am or what mistakes I have made in life. I have learned it is not my life I want to share but Jesus.
I want to encourage you to share Jesus and his stories because that is what his disciples did. The stories packaged in the Bible have worked for thousands of years when leading people to the One who can save them. No reason to change the strategy adapted it to our current situation so it works for you. Get connected to my newsletter so you can understand how to share His story.
To register for my newsletter send an SMS text message “Bible” to (513)440-6171. It will have a link to our newsletter. The May issue can be found at this link.