Working on an Island in the middle of the Amazon River we work with several fishermen. George is an old fisherman who has just recently come to Christ a few years ago. He is now fishing for men and telling the Story of God. Last month he stood in front of our house church and told part of the story of David and Goliath. What is amazing about all of this is that he is a non-reader. Wayne gave him an mp3 player with the recording of the scripture in 1 Samuel. From that, he was able to memorize the story but share it in his own words. It was a great rendition describing the immensity of Goliath.
This Week On Lizard Tracks

Joseph Rachel’s Boy
The feature stories series on my podcast Lizard Tracks is the series Joseph Rachel’s Boy. My crafted Bible Story series focuses on the prophecies and God’s guiding hand that stole Joseph from his family in a treacherous act of revenge that took him all the way to Egypt. He is cast into a life of slavery, yet God never abandoned him.
Tune in to the Lizard Tracks podcast on Alexa or any podcast player. Visit my website at http://www.LizardTracks.net
Coffe Mug Of The Month
Jesus told us that “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into His harvest”. You are called to work the Lord’s Harvest so to encourage you every morning to remember to work the harvest as you walk through your day. At Zazzel.

Please keep in prayer our old fishermen friend George. He has a big heart but a frail body.