The challenge in building a church plant and any new ministry is the building of leadership. In the photo, these are the men the Holy Spirit has placed in Wayne’s hands to invest in and pass the baton too as the ministry grows.

Various ministries have been built over the years, so not all of these men live on the same island where I am located. Jeremias, who is on the far left, is heading up the kids club ministries on the island of Cotijuba and possum island. He pilots our boat moving teams and kids around on the river, along with organizing the kid’s club events. Saba, who is in the front to the right, works closely with our Brazilian non-profit agency. He lives in the city where he has access to banks and government agencies.
The rest of the men all live here on the island of Cotijbua and involved in the leadership of the developing church, which this past week took a step forward to be a more formal church and not just a bible study group. Two of the men here, Corderio and Valdiir, took on the responsibility of collecting and dispersing donation for our ministry. You might say they are co-treasures for the church. The leadership has a desire to start funding small outreach ministries, and this is part of the necessary structure to reach this goal. Please pray for these men as they assume these roles.