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Mini MP3 Alumbs

In this new age on this new age of social distance and COVID-19, we see the fear in people’s eyes at the supermarket. People live in fear and our desire is to set them free by hearing the Hope We… 

Planted In Ohio

We are in Ohio but not settled down. Our situation is still temporary as the house we are renting is only available to the end of May. After that, we need a new place to rent or stay starting in… 

Fleeing Brazil

The story of us packing up and departing our home is like something out of a disaster movie. Thursday, March 12, the USA started to close its borders. Then the Holy Spirit prompted us to book the last direct flight… 

Last Plane OUt of Belem

South America is shutting down its borders, suspending flights and waiting to be ravaged by the coronavirus. The medical professionals here are estimating that there could be 45,000 sick in Sao Paulo in just a month. The airline industry is… 


Carnival has attracted millions of people to the big cities who all celebrate in close contact with each other. With the Coronavirus on the lose…

Sailing The Amazon

Some of the city volunteers that join us on this great endeavor, this is their first time to be out in a small boat. They discover the Amazon River is not for the faint-hearted. They are wearing life jackets for… 

Fishing For A Living

When you think of a man who is fishing for a living you have in mind this big mussel bound guy. Not so here on the Amazon. Most fishermen I know are skinny and spend most of their day out… 

Leaders In Christ

It is awesome to see how the Holy Spirit has been forging our leaders through difficulties, joyous times and hard work. God has provided a number of leaders to lead this ministry but these three men are very close to… 

Special Christmas

The many years of work in telling Bible stories from the heart and disciplining others to do the same have brought fruit this Christmas Eve. A small group of our most faithful believers gathered to remember the coming of our… 

The New Year’s Rush

Starting the last weekend of the year the boats filled with people from the city heading to our island, the local getaway. They pour in by the thousands each day to enjoy a night on the beach to celebrate the…