Jesus told the parable of the sower to many a crowd. His closest disciples the story an could not understand its meaning, so Jesus took the time to explain it to them. Down the ages, since then we quote these verses, memorize the verses, and here we sit in our homes trapped by COVID-19. Jesus calls us to Sow the Seed of the Gospel where we live and work. How do we do that in the age of social distancing?
Take joy in what I have to say, there is hope! Jesus shared the Gospel through story throughout most of his ministry. And you can do the same with a modern twist to the technique. Wayne has developed Mini MP3 Albums that are comprised of the stories from scripture and told by a Master Storyteller. In this social distancing dance, everyone still carries a smartphone. It is to our advantage to use this technology to Sow The Stories of the Gospel.
Wayne’s strategy is simple and flexible. The Mini Album can be accessed by a text message or a download coupon. Anyone can print out the PDF file with the coupons on it. Follow this link to the PDF.
In your social greeting of tapping feet or elbows, you can include passing a simple coupon for them to retrieve with their smartphone. They send a text message with a code and an autoresponder sends them a link to retrieve their copy of the Mini Album. If you run out of coupons you can just ask them to send a text message with the code so they can retrieve it. It is that simple. So in this age of social distancing, there is hope! Join the call and Sow The Seed Of the Gospel.