It is a moment to celebrate, building a church with Bible Storytelling works! We have been working this church plant for many years utilizing the stories of scripture to evangelize, memorize and disciple people into faith in Jesus the Christ. The road has been rough but the fruit that it bears is sweet. The entire group in our little church numbers around sixty people and at our closing celebration for the first semester about forty-five attended that are pulled from two different locations. Please continue to pray for our ministry on the island of Cotijuba in the middle of the Amazon River.
Next On Lizard Tracks

David becomes King, but at what cost? There was the slaughter of King Saul’s family, the battles with David’s Mighty Men and have you heard of the civil war of the dived kingdom? All of these stories are packaged in my two-week series David Inherits a Kingdom. It is a story that is rarely told from the pulpit but one you need to hear. Tune into my podcast. Podcast Lizard Tracks; more info at http://lizardtracks.net.
Take It To Starbucks
Israel is a hot news topic since the USA has recognized Jerusalem as their capital city. So take advantage of this mug and drop into your local coffee shop and start up a conversation about the story of King David. Available at Zazzle.

- Pray that the Lord will expand our newsletter recipients.
- We are preparing to visit the States at the end of July and spend most of August visiting family, so pray for our travels.
- We are waiting on the Lord to find us a car to borrow from July 24 – Aug 24. Pray the Lord will fulfill this need as we are in the States.
- Pray for the editing and mixing of an Evangelistic MP3 Album – I AM The Bread Of Life, Crafted Stories from Jesus.
Help Get The Word Out

Wayne can be reached by:
E-Mail: wayne@pattons.org
SMS / WhatsApp (937)540-5496
Voice Mail: (937)540-5496