So faith comes from hearing and hearing by the word of Christ. (Rom 10:17). It is this verse that is at the core of our ministry, speaking the Word of God so that they will hear and come to faith. I know it is hard for many to understand that there is a difference in hearing the Bible told as a natural story and reading text directly out of the Bible that was never intended to be read aloud but studied as a document.
In using the download cards people get an opportunity to hear the Word of God told naturally. How to use the download cards: From my years of experience in ministry I have learned to keep it simple. So just follow these simple recommendations for use.
1) Write you name and cell phone number on the back with the phase “Text Me”, or “Send me a msg” (That way they can contact you later).
2) Strike up a conversion with someone (sometimes you might ask what type cell phone do they have?)
3) Tell them you have a gift for them, a mp3 mini album. Just pass them the card.
4) They will most likely have question so just continue the conversation.
Enjoy – Drop me note how it works out.
If you wold like a few to hand out just send me SMS message, my cell (937)540-5496.